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EBlast August 14, 2020

Writer's picture: SW 55+ Connect .SW 55+ Connect .

Contact Samantha at her OSA virtual office: Phone: 403-801-7254 or Email: Check out our website:


Preferred Service Providers - Program Launched!!  Many of you have been asking and waiting for this and it is finally in operation! Check the website under Services to see where you can get help from seasoned local service providers, recommended by your Oakridge neighbours and OSA members. Keep sending us your suggestions for additions to this list, and we will check them out. Help your neighbours get things done around the house or yard. 


75th Anniversary of VJ Day - Saturday August 15 Saturday 15 August is the 75th Anniversary of VJ Day and end of hostilities in the Pacific Theatre. Our own Bill P. along with other bag pipers and band members will be in South Glenmore park opposite the water park to commemorate VJ Day. This is a world-wide effort involving 1,000s of pipers. At 6:00 a.m. they will be playing When The Battle’s O’er and other tunes as well. Any interested, and early rising people are welcome to attend.


September 9 Mark the Date - Concert in the Garden with Paul Finkleman  Calgary songwriter and entertainer Paul Finkleman will kick off Fall for the whole Oakridge community. Register via the OSA website. Missing all the usual summer events? You can get your fix right here on September 9th.


Volunteer Recruitment - Program Launched  Samantha and Julie have been very busy creating a Volunteer Program for OSA. We are excited to present the first program outline on the website this week, as well as the requirements to participate. Look for details on how to volunteer to help neighbors and also how to apply for one of our Services for yourself.


Full Service Listing on the Website Now  Take a look at the list of Services now available to members through OSA. Membership has its privileges!


Fall OSA Program Schedule  Watch for the Fall programs soon on the website. Your board has been busy creating a comprehensive program schedule despite the limitations of the Covid-19 situation. Programs have been divided into several categories: Active Living, Social, Creative Expression, Wellbeing, and Lifelong Learning.  We are consulting with other like-minded organizations in Calgary to find best practices to operate these programs. Stay tuned for an exciting roll-out on the website.


First Oakridge Community "Open Garden" August 1, a Success  Many Oakridge residents enjoyed the first Open Garden event, which we hope will be the first of many. Activities included Guided Tours, Q&As, gardening talks at 11am and 1pm (from horticultural association members), demonstration stations and kids’ fun zones. A wealth of color and growth, the Community Garden is now a focal point for the area, inspiration for wannabe gardeners, and a credit to the amazing number of volunteer hours put in by this talented team.


Oakridge Community Garden Cookbook  OCG gardeners are excited about sharing recipes that use local produce harvested from our raised beds/plots. The purpose of this cookbook is to collect and present favourite recipes to further benefit the sense of community, and foster friendship among garden members. This cookbook will be kept as a live document, and added to each season while giving correct credit to the original recipe owners. Please provide detailed and appropriate references when contributing.   Please submit your favourite recipe, a story about the recipe (if there is one) and a photo (if you can)  to: Julie Kearns,  before August 30.


Who Else Needs Help Getting a Handle on Technology?  OSA is committed to bridging the digital divide for older adults. We can help you use the Internet, connect to social programs via Zoom, and more! If you don’t have a computer, tablet, or Internet connection, we can help with obtaining these. Please contact Samantha to register for this important program. Also if you can help train others in basic skills.


OSA Membership Growing If you haven't already done so, sign up for an OSA membership to make sure you don't miss out on any of the great things planned for us in Oakridge. Our membership fees have be waived for 2020, so sign up now! Pease click on the OSA Membership Sign Up / Log In at the top right hand side of the OSA website.


Oakridge Community Board Seeks Directors The OCA AGM is September 28.  OCA is seeking new board members who live in Oakridge and it would be great to have more seniors represented on the board.  Submit your expression of interest to before Sept. 21. If you want more information contact Julie Kearns at as Julie is a director of both OSA and OCA.


Break-ins There were three separate break-ins this week on Oakfern Way. Thursday evening (9:00 p.m.) last week a garage was broken into and they tried unsuccessfully to get into the house. Friday morning (10:00 a.m.) last week someone opened a garage door from afar, entered and was scared off by another neighbour who had witnessed it and came running with bear spray. Today, this morning a neighbour a few houses down had their car broken into and their garage door opener was taken. For all of these there was someone home and cars in the driveway. Please report any suspicious activities to the Police.


The Secret to Living Well (Tibetan Proverb) Eat half - walk twice - laugh triple - love without measure Sheila Foster, OSA Marketing & Communications

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