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EBlast June 26, 2020

JOIN US WEDNESDAY JULY 1ST TO CELEBRATE CANADA DAY 1-3pm Jennifer Pendergast reports “Wear your red & white, your maple leaf, wave your flag, greet your neighbours and promote our great OSA organization. We will start at the park in front of the Pendergast’s house at 29th St and Oakside Circle. You have a choice of walking beside the Foster's Big RV or driving in your car or riding your bike. You can even pole walk - the choice is yours. Decorate if you can with Canada flags and wear something red or white or a Canada t-shirt. (Lots of Canada Day swag at Dollarama on McCloud Trail near Lowes). Please wear a mask and we will social distance when we walk. Bring a lawn chair if you wish as we will be finishing at the end of 90th Avenue and we will find a spot to gather. Please RSVP for this event on the OSA website under Activities & Events.  Why are we doing this? Just for fun - first to celebrate together as a group, heighten the awareness of OSA and to enjoy fellowship together on this day. Hope you will Join us on this special day!” Rumor has it the piper will play his bagpipes for us!



June 25 was our first opportunity to have a men’s coffee meeting in person since the Covid-19 pandemic hit us with local restrictions in March. Hugh, Barry, Garry & Paul met physically for first time in many months...all safely distanced.

Hugh Stewart reports "We are arranging this with appropriate levels of caution and consistent with public health guidelines. We are limiting our meeting to a maximum of 12 people on a first registered basis and request you bring your own chairs, coffee and snacks.”  Hugh plans to make this a regular event weather permitting. Details on the OSA website under Activities & Events. 



BONUS Sign up as a new OSA member NOW and your name will be entered in a weekly prize draw. Also a special draw for the first 50 new members signed up, Oakridge community’s 50th year!

OSA Membership is required to participate in activities and events with new ones coming soon! Fees have been waived for the current year (normally $10 per person). BUT if you renewed and paid already, your membership is extended for an extra year, until April 2022. 

Please click here to visit the OSA webpage, then click on the OSA Member Sign Up link (top righthand side), and fill out the form so we can keep YOU in touch with all we have to offer now and in future.


This week’s draw was won by Cheryl Nicholls. 


TREASURER – THANKS TO PEGGY – WELCOME TO SHELLEY GOLDSTEIN  After guiding our financial ship carefully through establishment, Peggy Churchward is now handing over the reins to Shelley Goldstein. Peggy will spend the summer at their place in Sundre;  some of us are jealous she will get to see something other than her four walls and garden here in Oakridge! But look forward to seeing Peggy and Bill at future OSA functions. 


JOIN OUR BOARD! Currently we need a SECRETARY to attend monthly board meetings, maintain our board correspondence and meeting Minutes. Please contact Samantha.


MEMBER PROFILE  - NORMA BECERRA – SPANISH INSTRUCTOR Norma writes “It is my pleasure to volunteer with OSA facilitating the Spanish Group. I was born in Lima, Peru and came to Canada 30 years ago. I have also volunteered at Southwood Public Library with the Spanish Conversation Club for five years. I love to hike and have been a member of my club for 23 years.  I also love the theatre and have been a volunteer at Theatre Calgary for 15 years. Volunteering enriches my life, I familiarize myself with my community and it connects me with people that positively impact my life - like OSA. I am so glad that I am giving back to the place that I call home.”


OSA COOKS  Plans were underway to set up OSA Cooks when Covid-19 intervened. But we still plan a program where members could meet to cook nutritious fridge/freezer-ready meals to take home for the week. Meanwhile we plan to set up a more limited program for members to cook small batches of meals to deliver to other interested members.  Interested in getting involved either to cook or participate? Contact Samantha to sign up.


100 OSA LAWN SIGNS – POPPING UP EVERYWHERE! We are placing and maintaining signs throughout Oakridge. Many of you have already done this! Thank you! Please contact us to get one on YOUR property. 


GETTING A HANDLE ON TECHNOLOGY Technology opens the possibilities for connection, learning and fulfillment of basic needs. The pandemic has disrupted much of our normal routines and technology can keep us engaged in the things we love and the things we must do. From communicating with grandchildren to ordering groceries, technology can help. Oakridge Seniors Association is committed to bridging the digital divide for older adults. We can help you use the Internet, connect to social programs via Zoom, and more! If you don’t have a computer, tablet, or Internet connection, we can help with obtaining these. Please phone Samantha at 403-801-7254. 


PREFERRED SERVICE PROVIDERS Looking for local and locally-used businesses to recommend to members. Have a favorite renovator, plumber, painter, yard worker, pet sitter, dog walker?? Send us your suggestions and we will check it out. Help your neighbors get things done around the house or yard. Contact Del Kobelsky at



Here are some tips from Zoomer magazine, July 2020 edition

Pump up the protein with these Power Foods:

1. Edamame for fibre and amino acid for muscles

2. Chicken breast for complete protein and amino acid, meat in operation, avoid processed meat

3. Plain Greek yogurt for a Vitamin A and calcium fix

4. Salmon, the bonus inflammation fighter

5. Walnuts, the nut that packs most punch

6. Eggs, loaded with Omega-3S, easy to digest

7. Whey protein, the best way to supplement if your diet isn’t enough, add to smoothies/soups especially for muscle gain in older women


The secret to living well (Tibetan Proverb) Eat half - walk twice - laugh triple - love without measure Sheila Foster, OSA Marketing & Communications

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