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EBlast November 15, 2020

Writer's picture: SW 55+ Connect .SW 55+ Connect .

Updated: Nov 17, 2020

Contact Janice at the OSA virtual office: Phone: 403-801-7254 or Email: Check out our website:

We follow COVID-19 safe meeting protocols. Please note that all OSA Events and Programs must be registered for in advance via our website. Thank you.

Special Events ** November 18, 12:30 p.m. OSA Annual General Meeting ** Don’t forget to register to attend the OSA AGM. Please consider getting involved with our very active board to plan events and programs for the coming year. There’s a list on the invite of positions you could consider filling. So join us to have your say about the future of our growing 'village'. Click here to register for the Zoom option, click here for the in person option.  December 10, 6:45 p.m: Chat with MLA Whitney Issik  An open discussion via Zoom on how to better serve Oakridge community, not just seniors. How the two associations (Oakridge Seniors and Oakridge Community) can form enhanced relationships to deliver programs to a wider audience. Click here to register.

Programs and Services  Member Friendly Check-in Phone Calls and Survey   Thank you for participating in our survey. We reached 74% of members this way and will share our results once we’ve had time to analyze the replies. Later we will send a confidential survey to all members seeking your input on planning for future programs and events Light up Oakridge  Thanks to everyone who participated in the OCA November 12-15 Light up Oakridge campaign and give a kick start to the festive holiday season. Let’s all try to do everything we can to brighten up the holiday season to last all winter long. You can still put up your outdoor lights early

Winter Care - you told us - we listened OSA continues to investigate creating a program of proposed WinterCare for Oakridge seniors. A reminder: Please call 311 to report problem areas. With roads and sidewalks getting icy and homes snowed in, everyone’s thoughts are on safety and staying upright while getting out in the fresh air too.  Wednesday Walkers Now at a Warmer (Hopefully) 11:00 a.m.  If Wednesday isn’t your day of choice and you’d like to walk, why not volunteer to host another day or time and we will put it on the schedule. Thursday/Thursday Trotters, Friday Fitties, Saturday Striders anyone? Oakridge Echo  Check out the latest edition of the Official Oakridge Community Newsletter, the Echo by clicking here. Note, OSA has a special page in the November edition celebrating the community's 50 years. Volunteer Recognition  Thanks so much to the people who care enough about their neighbours to once again take the time to reach out and make these calls. Take a bow:  Sheila B, Ted F, Anne, Shearer, Sandy, Joan N, Jennifer, Trudy & George and Lise. Senior's Resources  December 9, 7:00 p.m. Weaselhead Society AGM  Will include a presentation on the Christmas Bird Count (a citizen science project held worldwide). Click here for more information and to register for this Zoom.

Be kind! Sheila Foster, OSA Marketing & Communications

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