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EBlast November 22, 2020

Writer's picture: SW 55+ Connect .SW 55+ Connect .

Updated: Dec 10, 2020

Contact the OSA virtual office: Phone: 403-801-7254 or Email: Check out our website:

We follow COVID-19 safe meeting protocols. Please note that all OSA Events and Programs must be registered for in advance via our website. Thank you.

Special Events December 10, 6:45 p.m. Chat with MLA Whitney Issik An open discussion via Zoom on how to better serve Oakridge community, not just seniors. How the two associations (Oakridge Seniors and Oakridge Community) can form enhanced relationships to deliver programs to a wider audience. Click here to register.

Programs and Services Friendly Check-in Phone calls and Survey Here’s what we learned from our member survey this month. 97 out of 131 current members participated, that’s a whopping 74% response rate. Thank you to everyone we were able to reach. Here’s what you told us.

  • 96 read our EBlasts;

  • 18 would appreciate some kind of technical help;

  • 86 told us about their activities during COVID-19 times, new or more of previous activities;

  • 42 might consider very small, safe face -to-face meetings (but only with people they know);

  • 89 are willing to participate in an online survey;

  • and 20 might use a WinterCare program in some way.

Program Planning We have therefore set up a Program Planning committee to organize activities on Zoom to keep us occupied during the winter, based on the information on your interests which you have shared with us.

Winter Care - you told us - we listened OSA continues to investigate creating a program of proposed WinterCare for Oakridge seniors. A reminder: Please call 311 to report problem areas. With roads and sidewalks getting icy and homes snowed in, everyone’s thoughts are on safety and staying upright while getting out in the fresh air too.

Oakridge Echo - Where is it? Check out the latest edition of the Official Oakridge Community Newsletter, the Echo by clicking here. Note, OSA has a special page in the November edition celebrating the community's 50 years. Most of us never received this until well past mid-November but you can always access it on-line.

AGM Participations - Thanks! OSA was required to hold an in-person AGM to approve a Special Resolution of our new Bylaws. We thank Barry for chairing the meeting at the Community Centre (all masked and distanced) with directors Julie, Sheila and Jennifer, Manager Janice. Members Sheila Broadbent, George & Trudy Steber and Gord McLure, also valiantly turned up to make sure we had quorum to complete the business. Thanks also to members who joined via Zoom to participate in the meeting: Treasurer Shelley and members Ann & Gordon, Del, Joan N, Sam, Norma, Janice M, Ted, Ike and Hugh. We successfuly approved Bylaws in principle with some amendments. Ted Foster and Hugh Stewart kindly volunteered to review the financial statements.

Porch-traits - Fun! Do you have a colourful winter arrangement at your front door? A special holiday wreath? How about letting us take a portrait photo of you in front of your home? Pull on your ugly Xmas sweater or the long evening gown you wore to a previous holiday event. Several members have volunteered to take Porch-traits from a safe distance. We can post them on our website throughout the holidays. Contact Janice at the OSA office to sign up! Light up Oakridge Thanks to everyone who participated in Light up Oakridge to celebrate Oakridge Community’s 50th anniversary November 12-15. Let’s all try to brighten up the holiday season to last all winter long. You can put up your outdoor lights NOW. Senior's Resources Safta's Kitchen - Meal Kits Our previous OSA Manager, Samantha Norberg now works at Jewish Family Services, another recipient of an Ignite Neighbours federal grant. Sam tells us Safta’s Kitchen, a new program, is currently on hold until people can meet and cook together. Meanwhile, they are offering to deliver two meal kits to seniors: a latke meal kit in celebration of Chanukah, and a tourtière meal kit in celebration of Christmas. Details on their website.

Be kind! Sheila Foster, OSA Marketing & Communications

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