A short update on some of the many activities in the works - appreciate the contribution by so many of you! And we can always do with more willing volunteers!
• To enable us to reach a larger audience with current information beyond the 156 doing a great job here on FaceBook an OSA web page is being prepared & we anticipate it being operational by early next week. Through Facebook we have developed a great relationship with 250 Oakridge Parents on their FB Page too
• We have our first New Horizon funding and are planning to use it initially to do a post card drop to 2500 Oakridge Homes to tell them who we are and to invite them into our many activities. Sheila Foster & Julie Kearns are working hard on the messaging & we anticipate delivery by the end of next week.
• The followup to the postcard will be the development of a participatory survey process for the community to establish the needs for all seniors & for the community in general. Julie Kearns is building a team to develop the survey. Like to assist? Contact Julie kearns.julie@gmail.com
• ZOOM has become a wonderful tool many of us are using to connect in a variety of activities during this time of social isolation. Like to know more here’s a starting point https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/categories/200101697. We are working hard to develop a system of trainers who can easily help you use this wonderful way to communicate. If you are a confident ZOOM user you might like to volunteer to help others get on line. We are also aware a number of seniors have limited or no computers or internet service and we are working on solutions for this too. If you have a spare workable device please let us know.
• Some of our current ZOOM activities:
- Tuesdays 9:00am Tai Chi - working with Jane to expand this beyond current group - a variety of other exercise activities are being added on our Facebook Page: Oakridge Seniors Initiative
- Tuesdays 2:30pm A French Refresher with Ginette - register barrypendergast@telus.net
- Thursday 11:00am Mens Coffee Group. Like to join? hughrstewart@gmail.com
- Thursday 2:00pm Women’s Movie & Chat Club - contact Jennifer to join jenniferpendergast@telus.net
• Other activities & opportunities to get involved: - Sheila Foster invites (funny) Limericks to describe how you are coping with the virus crisis - We are planning a regular ZOOM chat with our local psychologist Dianna Campbell-Smith for you to ask some questions of concern or share some positive ways you are coping. - Like to learn how to paint & create some artwork? We have a number of talented artists who can help. Sonja Beierle’s work is shown on this link https://artists.ca/…/calgary_chapter___2020_spring_exhibiti… - Thinking of some drive-by Porch Portraits of many of you. Like to pose for us please let us know. - Trying to assemble stories on longtime Oakridge residents for the 50th Oakridge Community Celebration - like to share? Please let us know. - Have a thought for an activity please let us know: Email Barry barrypendergast@telus.net - Del Kobelski & Steve McInnis are working on a ‘Vetted’ contractor listing. Like to help? Please contact Del dpkobe@shaw.ca
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